HARUN YAHYA, the author has published numerous books and booklets explicitly proving the existence of Allah, emphasising the marvellous creation of Allah against the materialistic and atheistic ideologies, and of course their most efficient and significant view: the Evolution Theory. Harun Yahya's book "Evolution Deceit" is an important step taken in order to totally refute this false theory.
The author has also released various works on subjects regarding belief in Allah and Quranic topics.The common purpose in all these studies, is to convey the message of the Qur'an to those who are distant from religion, and thus to courage them to think on basic faith related issues such as the existence and unity of Allah, and the Hereafter, and to remind the Muslims of some important topics. The author does not have a commercial purpose of his studies and the free copies of his various books and booklets are delivered.

This book, clarifies
the scientific collapse of the evolution theory in a detailed but simple
to understand way. It displays the fraudulence and the distortion
that the evolutionist scientists attempted without any hesitation. Then
it analyzes the powers, which try to keep this theory alive and try to
make people believe it. |